As a Threat Analyst at Insite’s Global Security Operations Center (GSOC), Ms. Stejskal blends her expertise in business and international security to detect and monitor threats targeting the firm’s clients. Ms. Stejskal draws on her diverse OSINT skills and utilizes advanced intelligence platforms to identify ongoing threats, author advisories, and formulate strategies to mitigate these risks. She performs real-time monitoring of geopolitical events, providing analysis for high-stake environments and potential disruptions near client offices or travel employees.
A Czech American, Ms. Stejskal, brings a rich international background to her role, shaped by her pursuit of an International Masters in Security, Intelligence, and Strategic Studies across Scotland, Ireland, and the Czech Republic. This comprehensive education equips her with a unique perspective, complementing her fluency in Czech, and enhancing her communication and collaboration within the global context. With a foundation in a BS in Business Administration from the University of Vermont and prior research experience with AuctusESG, Ms. Stejskal seamlessly integrates her varied background to contribute to the firm’s holistic approach in addressing security challenges.
Welcome Clara!