Delivering Advanced Event Security
An annual industry event with thousands of paid attendees coincided with a declared a state of emergency when a hurricane hit landfall across the region, which caused flooding, severe wind, and power outages. Organizers needed accurate intelligence and strategic guidance to make decisions about if, and if so how, the event could safely proceed as scheduled.
Insite had been engaged to develop and manage the Security Plan for this large-scale event, which included assigning a seasoned Security Lead who was backed by security supervisors on the ground and analysts from Insite’s 24/7 Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) in New York. Based on the communications matrix and security Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for emergency management that had been delivered by the Insite team, the GSOC was prepared to serve as the tactical security command center during the hurricane and the team was ready to provide a steady stream of actionable information and recommendations as the dynamic weather situation devolved.
The GSOC analysts had already geofenced the venue and had been conducting threat monitoring when it became necessary to prioritize tracking the storm’s trajectory, government response, and potential impact on the event site and transportation in the area. They monitored wind speed, rain bands, and other environmental indicators moment-by-moment and provided succinct reporting and recommendations to the Security Lead and authorized client contacts. The Security Lead conducted a tabletop exercise with client representatives to review multiple scenarios using information the GSOC provided. Together, the team decided to cancel the first day of the event and, working collaboratively with the venue security management, the Insite Security Lead reassigned protection resources on the fly to secure venue access and client assets.
The Outcome: Despite cancelling part of this very popular event, it was not a total washout and participants were safe and secure while attending. The client made tough decisions from an informed position thanks to the diligence and commitment of the Insite team and the security plan that they had put in place.
“Your updates have been extremely helpful and instrumental in our risk assessment and decision-making process.”