Companies confront threats daily that arise from doing business in the global economy. As safety concerns escalate, firms with multiple offices in far-flung locales are taking steps to provide higher, more consistent levels of security for all their employees. In the new year, it's time to take stock of security measures in-place and set priorities for upgrades that help maintain a culture of safety for your organization.
Read our case study about how Insite audits security practices:
For our initial engagement, we conducted a physical security assessment of this client’s headquarters and its CEO’s residence. After we delivered our findings, at the client’s request, we expanded our security survey to include its highest density facilities — key offices with the most employees. The client had a global facility security director, but lacked the manpower and best practices to conduct a comprehensive analysis.
Tapping our extensive resources, we completed fifteen office surveys in three countries. Our final 120-page report provided 300 recommendations for improving security; each site received an individual report. For this project, we: 1) conducted on-site surveys, met with office managers, and analyzed physical security and gaps; 2) documented existing security systems and emergency plans; 3) developed an organizational baseline for security standards across the company’s facilities; and 4) prepared a crisis-management plan — a playbook for emergency responses for distribution to all the firm’s offices.
Takeaways: Companies should aim for consistent levels of security across offices. A facilities assessment is a cost-effective way to identify gaps and establish a security baseline. With guidance, firms can empower employees to act as a security resource.