Misinformation and disinformation is a powerful disruptive force and presents increasing risks for companies and executives alike. In fact, a recent study by the World Economic Forum reported that 1500 risk experts ranked misinformation as the most threatening global risk over the next several years. Nearly 55% of the experts ranked synthetic content and falsified information as a high severity threat.
The concern is justified. With the proliferation of AI-enabled technologies, it is easy to generate false or manipulated content. When you couple that development with the power that misinformation has to influence public opinion, it is hard not to worry about the issue. Upcoming election cycles will only make matters more acute.
Perpetrators using misinformation and disinformation often seek ideological alignment with their ‘audience’ and encourage them to act through emotion rather than facts. This often fuels animosity, which can be focused on a target and exhibited offline in the form of protests or hate crimes.
Are you prepared If your brand, offices or executives land in the crosshairs of a misinformation campaign? There is a short window to deploy protective strategies.
Insite provides ongoing threat monitoring managed by expert analysts who identify and discern the factual data from the false. They deliver alerts and recommendations 24/7/365 through Insite’s Global Security Operations Center (GSOC), and coordinate response efforts with the broader Insite team when the need arises.
Contact us to find out more.