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Proving History Doesn't Lie

During a recent pre-employment background investigation, the lead investigator known for her tenacity, uncovered an arrest record from 20 years ago, which was never found in background checks performed by four previous employers, including two major investment houses. The investigator also developed additional negative information from several candidate omissions, which established a checkered employment history.


Here’s how our investigator broke the case:

  • She started by following a partial record hit found in one of our proprietary databases.

  • She followed this partial record to the primary source jurisdiction and conducted a number of party name searches from this public / county search tool. These searches led her to two separate court dockets.

  • She then called the County Clerk and spoke with them about the significance of the findings, clarifying exactly what the court records, as written, meant.


When we delivered the report that was well written and factual beyond reproach, the candidate insisted on speaking with our investigative team. Rather than becoming confrontational about our findings and demanding a re-investigation, ultimately, the candidate confirmed our findings. They provided additional detail, which we included in our final report to our client’s General Counsel, who couldn’t be happier with our results.​

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